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Spotlgiht Alexander Started Playing guitar in 2009 .After having going from teacher to Teacher He Has Stopped playin guitar in 2012.Spotlight saw his friend Langston get big off making music and dancing ang got signed by NCredible in 2012. 

April 12th 2013 he has started writing music about his ex girlfriend Ashley 

Later that year Spotlight Alexanders Grandmother had back surgury. She had  alot of  memeroy loss and others tbought she wasnt going to make it Even Spotlight Alexander.He started writing songs about His grandmother As in "Do It For The Love" And Wake Up Grind  but never really showed them around to scare that she has died. 


 March 5th 2014 Spotlight Alexander Has a 2 year Record Deal  with Swerve Entiertainment For his Great Love and Emotion toward Music Tor his friends ,Family.


"Never Say You cant do Anything tell you try it over and over again because Life is to short to Just Give Up on

Live Fast Die Young

Spotlight Alexander





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